A happy New Year to you all! Hope you had fun far into 2010 and that Christmas was a time of heartwarming moments for you as well.
I've been such a busy busy bee at my new work all December, but now it sure is about time to visit my old neglected friend (this blog).
I've decided to set up some resolutions and smaller projects for the new year. I actually hate resolutions, as I can never keep them and end up with a guilty conscience... but hey! Sugar and sweets never hurt anyone - did they?
Well, this year I'm only making promises I know I can keep, so the illusions of my will of steel are not hurt. And the list is as follows:
- I'll give myself and my closet an assignment each week and show you guys the result. This first week of January is going to be the week of PINK! And I'm already looking foreward to starting the year in the colour of youth.
- I really want to set up an etsy shop with vintage clothing and bits and bobs, and at the moment I'm looking into the rules and such. I have already started working on filling my stock room (well, cramming more into my overflowing closet that is) and I look foreward to buying even more beautiful items without looking at size and fit for myself, but in the hopes that someone out there can use it. (I'll keep you posted)
- I'll document the projects made in Fisk on this blog, showing you guys what we make out of second hand clothes.
BTW my old autumn resolution (the one about not buying any clothes the rest of the year), weeell it did not stick... big surprise...
As I got the new job, I found my attire had to match my newfound professionalism and life in an office, and thus I "needed" some pencil skirts... (bought from charity shops though, to ease my conscience)
See you soon!